Sunday, April 23, 2023


Anatomically divided into: 1-Cardia: Contain cardiac mucous glands 2-Fundus & body: Have the same histologic structure 3-Pyloric: Contain pyloric mucous glands  Histologically, the wall is formed of 4 layers: 1-Mucosa 2-Submucosa 3-Musculosa 4-Serosa


Characterized by:  Thick, Dark  Have folds called rugae  Formed of: 1-Epith.: Simple columnar [Mucous surface cells] 2-Lamina propria: Loose C.T, contain FUNDIC GLANDS** 3-Muscularis mucosa: 2 layers of smooth ms. [inner circular & Outer longitudinal]


Loose C.T containing:  Blood vessels, lymph vessels  Lymphocytes, macrophages & mast cells Meissner’s nerve plexus


Three layers of smooth ms.: Inner oblique, Middle circular, and Outer longitudinal  Auerbach’s nerve plexus: -Between circular & longitudinal muscle layers -Regulate peristalsis of musculosa


Loose C.T, covered with simple squamous epith. [mesothelium]

Characters of Fundic Glands 

Simple branched tubular 

 Occupy most of mucosal thickness 

 Perpendicular to surface 

 Highly crowded with little C.T in between 

 Open on surface by narrow & short pits [Ducts] 

 Ratio between pits & gland is 1:4 

 Formed of isthmus, neck & base